How Bulgaria supplied drugs and weapons to Al-Qaïda and Daesh


by Thierry Meyssan, for VoltaireNet; translation by Pete Kimberely

The best-kept secrets must be revealed in the end.  The mafia cartel which governs Bulgaria has been caught supplying drugs and weapons to Al-Qaïda and Daesh, at the demand of the CIA, both in Libya and Syria.  The affair is all the more serious since Bulgaria is a member of NATO and the European Union.

Boiko Borissov
Head of one of the two Bulgarian mafia cartels, the SIC, Boïko Borissov has occupied the post of Prime Minister since 2014. While his country was a member of both NATO and the European Union, he supplied drugs and weapons to Al-Qaïda and Daesh in Libya and Syria.

It seems that everything began by accident.  For about thirty years, fenetylline was used as a performance-enhancing drug in the West German sports world.  According to trainer Peter Neururer, more than half of the athletes took it…

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