Putin’s Prophesies – His Munich Speech Warnings from 2007 All Coming True

Putin had his finger on the pulse back then and now events have proven his superior understanding of the way the US war driven policies have manifested themselves.


via Russia Insider


Nine years after Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the world against irresponsible US policies spreading instability and threats of new wars around the world, those dangers today are greater than ever

“I read the 2007 speech when [Putin] first delivered it and pretty much agreed with everything he had to say. Now the US/NATO confrontation against Russia has become even worse and more dangerous,” University of Illinois Professor of International Law Francis Boyle said.

In his 2007 speech at the Munich Security Conference, Putin accused the United States of provoking a new nuclear arms race, expanding NATO in Europe and making the Middle East more unstable. Putin also said that Washington ignored the United Nations and relied on the unilateral use of force.

All these problems had become much worse since then, Boyle pointed out.

“With the deployment of NATO troops right up to the border of Russia for the first time, we are on the verge of a reverse Cuban missile crisis. And…

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