How a Candidate’s Mega-Donors Get Served After the Election

This sounds very familiar. Cameron has announced he wants changes involving certain prisoners to be put in “special prisons” if you catch my drift.


by Eriuc Zuesse


An example will be described here of a way in which corrupt Presidential candidates load up their campaigns’ advertising budgets by pushing for policies to increase the percentage of America’s prisoners who are locked away in for-profit prisons, corporate-owned prisons — basically, for those politicians pushing to privatize the imprisonment function of government. To provide depth in this account, we’ll focus specifically on privatization of the imprisonment of “illegal aliens” or “undocumented aliens.” (The official definition of that concept: “An ‘Undocumented Alien’ is an alien who has entered the United States illegally and is deportable if apprehended, or an alien who entered the United States legally but who has fallen ‘out of status’ and is deportable.”) We’ll also explain here why our government requires that at least 34,000 suspected ‘illegal aliens’ must be imprisoned at any given time. (Basically, it’s mandated in order to pad…

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