Three conclusions and a surmise: Pravda, Iran and the US Judiciary

Quite quaint really. The US started a “War on Terror” against the Wahabbist terrorists of al Qaeda informing the whole world it was wacko Jihadists. Much of the informed west now believes that it was an inside job by the CIA using Mossad and was a false flag excuse for the US War OF Terror, now this. A US judge has decided, without any evidence or proofs of any kind, that Iran must pay for the damages those Qatari/Saudi/Israeli backed terrorists did. Which are the biggest whackos – the head chopping Saudi/IS or the US terrorist enablers?


by Vaska

Scanning my Facebook this morning, I came across a startling Pravda item someone had shared on my wall.   The reaction I had on seeing the posted headline was immediate: “that’s it, Pravda’s making things up!  It’s a brazen propaganda organ, after all, as some of my acquaintances accuse it of being.”  To make sure I’d got this right at last, I went on the Internet to check if there might have been a speck of truth somewhere in the whole thing on which Pravda then based its outrageous piece…

… only to find that Pravda’s report is entirely factual.

Bloomberg, NewsMax, JewishPress, Singapore Business Times, and MINA have also  reported that a New York district court judge has ruled that Iran is to pay $10.5 billion in damages and compensation for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Pentagon: $7.5 billion…

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